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Busy Bee Photograph by Jonathan Davison

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Comments (38)

Jonathan Davison

Jonathan Davison

Thanks for featuring this image

Al Powell Photography USA

Al Powell Photography USA

Congratulations, this image is now featured on the "Gods Gorgeous Backyard Beauty" group home page.

Jonathan Davison

Jonathan Davison

Thank you for voting

Michelle Meenawong

Michelle Meenawong

great macro, voted

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Beautiful! L/F

Robyn King

Robyn King

gorgeous image!! v/f/p

Andrea Anderegg

Andrea Anderegg

Great artwork! v

Amanda Collins

Amanda Collins

Very nice macro work! V

Dennis Lundell

Dennis Lundell

Beautiful macro! v

Jonathan Davison

Jonathan Davison

Thanks everyone

Michael Mazaika

Michael Mazaika

Neat shot, Jonathan. - Mike (V)

Mark Dodd

Mark Dodd

Great closeup

Clif Jackson

Clif Jackson

Nice image!

Lucinda Walter

Lucinda Walter

Beautiful work L

Lee Piper

Lee Piper

Very artistic work! f/l

Lisa Knechtel

Lisa Knechtel

Lovely against the black background.

Carol R Montoya

Carol R Montoya

Wonderful macro! L

Crystal Cox

Crystal Cox

Wonderful Macro Capture!! Beautiful!

Rolando Burbon

Rolando Burbon

Good Macro Capture. FV

David Winson

David Winson

Impressive work! Well done! v :)

Janis  Tafoya

Janis Tafoya

Lovely image L

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Busy Bee by Jonathan Davison
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